Finding the Best At-Home STD Test

Finding the Best At-Home STD Test

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If you’ve been to a clinic or doctor’s office for STD testing, then you understand the appeal of an at-home STD test. When you test at-home, there’s no anxious spiraling in waiting rooms, no lectures from doctors and nurses, and no awkward conversations about your detailed sex history. 

Testing for STDs from home can be a far more comfortable experience for many reasons, but there are a few things to watch out for when finding the right at-home STD test. In this article, we discuss everything you need to know about testing for STDs at home.

What Are The Benefits of Testing for STDs at Home?

The doctor’s office can be awkward and embarrassing, but is an at-home STD test really the right move? At-home testing of all kinds has come a long way, and at-home STD tests offer several benefits.

At-home STD tests are designed to be convenient and easy to use, and they don’t require you to schedule an appointment or visit a clinic. Plus, at-home STD tests can be purchased online or in stores, making them more accessible to people who may not have access to healthcare providers or clinics in their area.

Not only is at-home STD testing convenient, it also provides a greater sense of privacy. Many people feel more comfortable taking an STD test at home because they aren’t forced to discuss personal information in detail with a healthcare provider or clinic staff. Additionally, at-home test results are typically delivered directly to the individual, rather than being shared with a healthcare provider or insurance company.

At-home STD tests can be more cost-effective, especially for individuals who do not have health insurance or who may face high deductibles or copays for in-person testing. Not only can catching infections early with an at-home test save you money from more expensive and intense treatment, but it also prevents the spread of the disease to others.

How Do You Compare At-home STD Tests?

At-home STD screening is a great option for people who need to know their STD status and don’t want the hassle of dealing with appointments, doctors, and insurance. However, not all at-home STD tests are created equal.

To ensure you have the best possible at-home STD testing experience, keep the following considerations in mind when shopping around:

  1. Accuracy: Look for a test that has been clinically validated and has a high accuracy rate.
  2. Type of STD: Make sure the test you are purchasing can detect the STDs you are concerned about. Some tests may only detect a couple types of STDs.
  3. Cost: Consider the cost of the test, including any shipping or processing fees. Look for a test that fits your budget but also provides accurate results.
  4. Privacy: Ensure that the test kit comes with discreet packaging and that your personal information will be kept confidential.
  5. Customer Support: Look for a test that offers reliable customer support, including clear instructions and access to medical professionals if necessary.

Remember: protecting your sexual health doesn't stop with an at-home STD test. A positive result should always be taken to a healthcare professional like a telehealth doctor provided by your chosen at-home STD testing brand.

What's the Difference: Rapid vs. Lab At-home STD Tests

Before you hit purchase on an at-home STD test, be sure to confirm which type of at-home test you are getting. There are lab tests and rapid tests and they each use a different method for delivering your results.

At-home lab tests require you to collect a sample at-home and mail it in, which can be a hassle and cause delays in getting results. At-home rapid STD tests show your results minutes after taking the at-home test.

The quick results from rapid STD tests allow you to take immediate action if necessary. This can be particularly important if you are worried about a recent sexual encounter and want to know your status quickly.

Rapid tests are generally easy to use, offering clear instructions and requiring minimal sample sizes. If you’ve taken an at-home rapid COVID test, then you can expect a similar experience with an at-home rapid STD test. Rapid STD tests can be performed in the privacy of your own home, without a trip to the post-office to mail in your sample.


At-home STD tests are a great way to simplify protecting your sexual health, but not all at-home STD tests are created equal. Look for at-home STD tests that fit your needs. Make sure the at-home STD test you order will detect multiple types of sexual infections and doesn’t require complicated, mail-in samples that keep you waiting for results for days. Not only will this make STD testing easier for you, it will also help you detect sexual infections earlier so you can get healthy faster.

Want a seamless, at-home STD testing experience? We set out to make STD testing more accessible than ever with a completely at-home STD test — no more awkward, invasive appointments at the doctor’s office and no messy mail-in samples required. Know is faster, more convenient, and more affordable than any other STD test on the market because protecting your health shouldn’t be a hassle.

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