It’s better to Know.

We believe that more testing leads to a healthier world. That’s why we’re on a mission to make testing for top diseases and infections as accessible, convenient, and stigma-free as possible.

Know Rapid STD Kit

Critical health testing is now easy

Screening is key to earlier diagnoses, which results in more effective treatments and the reduced spread of disease.

However, a number of factors keep people from testing — access to clinics or doctors, lack of transportation, cost of testing, or simply lack of knowledge around testing.

Know makes testing for common infections and diseases convenient and simple, so that more people are able to test more often.


The first at-home rapid STD  kit

Know is revolutionizing sexual healthcare with the first at-home rapid result option for STD screening.

Testing with Know means a discreet at-home experience with results in 15 minutes. No more appointments, waiting rooms, or awkward doctor conversations. No more mailing in samples and waiting days.

For the first time, you’ll test and know from the comfort of your own home, within minutes.

Why STD Testing?

STDs are a burgeoning health crisis. Increasing screening is key to national health.

The Know team started by developing a rapid result at-home STD screening kit because this is likely where we can have the largest positive impact on American health.

STDs can have serious health consequences if left untreated; e.g., chlamydia can damage a woman’s reproductive system and trichomonas can cause genital inflammation, making it easier to get HIV, or pass it to a sex partner.

While the number of reported STDs has recently hit record highs in the Unites States, screening is not growing at the rate that it should be. Researchers estimate that in 2020 alone, tens of thousands of cases of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea were missed because of undertesting.
