How Often Should I Test for STDs?

How Often Should I Test for STDs?

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Should I Test for STDs?

If you’re thinking about getting tested for STDs, don’t wait. There are serious health risks associated with untreated STDs, not to mention that many people infected with common STDs could be asymptomatic and unknowingly spread the infection to sexual partners.

It can take months or years for STD symptoms to appear in infected people. For example, 50% of men & 70% of women infected with Chlamydia don’t show symptoms upon infection (NHS). And STDs are not uncommon. It’s estimated that nearly half of Americans will have an STD in their lifetime (kff).

If you’re sexually active, protect your sexual health by screening for STDs. Regularly check your STD status to avoid developing long-term health issues related to STD infection.



What Happens If STDs Are Left Untreated?

While the effects of untreated STDs vary depending on the type of STD and the time left untreated, in general, they can pose several dangers and health risks. 

Infertility: Certain types of STDs, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, can cause inflammation and scarring in the reproductive system, which can lead to infertility in both men and women.

Certain Cancers: Some STDs, such as human papillomavirus (HPV), can increase the risk of certain types of cancer, including cervical, anal, and throat cancer.

Chronic Pain: STDs such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) can cause chronic pelvic pain, which can interfere with daily activities and quality of life.

Neurological Damage: Untreated syphilis can cause damage to the nervous system, which can lead to neurological problems such as dementia and paralysis.

Cardiovascular Disease: Syphilis can also cause damage to the cardiovascular system, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Increased Risk of HIV: Having an STD can increase the risk of contracting and transmitting HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

Because of the potential for serious health risks if left untreated, it’s important to get tested for STDs regularly.


How Often Should You Test for STDs?

How often you should screen for STDs depends on your lifestyle. If you have new or multiple partners, it’s recommended to test every 3-6 months (CDC). A good rule of thumb is to get STD tested every time you switch partners. If you’re with one long-term partner, you can opt to test for STDs once a year, so long as there are no concerns of sharing needles, tattoo equipment or otherwise. It’s important to make sure you’re up-to-date on your STD status to avoid health complications from untreated STDs.



Regularly testing for STDs is important for protecting yourself and your partners. Not all STDs pose the same level of danger and the severity of the risks can vary depending on factors such as the type of STD, how long it goes untreated, and a person's overall health; however,  STDs can have serious health consequences if left untreated. It's important to get tested every 3-6 months if you're sexually active and seek treatment promptly if you test positive for an STD.



Regular STD testing shouldn’t be challenging. Know set out to make STD  testing more accessible than ever with a completely at-home STD test — no more awkward, invasive appointments at the doctor’s office and no messy mail-in samples required. Know is faster, more convenient, and more affordable than any other STD test on the market because protecting your health shouldn’t be a hassle.

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