Know Launches First At-Home Rapid STD Test

Know Launches First At-Home Rapid STD Test

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Startup company launches world’s first at-home rapid STD test kit

Know has created the first at-home rapid results test kit for sexually transmitted diseases available for sale. 

Know is a Tulsa-based health startup that has just launched the test into the market. The name “Know” comes from the belief that it’s always better to know — the sooner you have information about your health, the sooner you can treat it. Know’s mission is to combat the rising rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the U.S. by empowering people with tools for early detection and treatment.

How the test and treatment process works

Know is the fastest and easiest way to test for STDs at home, taking as little as 2 days between ordering a test to receiving treatment. Know provides free two-day shipping across the continental U.S. in discreet, unmarked packaging. 

Everything a patient needs to get their results comes in the package — a urine cup, a test cassette, a sterile dropper, and clear instructions. Using the simple tools and instructions provided, patients receive their test results in just 15 minutes. If any results are positive, patients have the option to connect with a Know telehealth doctor to get a same-day prescription, no insurance required. 

Know’s multi-panel rapid STD test requires a single urine sample to screen for four of the most common sexual infections: chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and mycoplasma genitalium. 

The Know test is designed to address barriers that keep people from testing: lack of access to clinics or doctors, lack of transportation, high cost of testing, and lack of knowledge around the testing process. Know’s mission is to make testing for top sexual diseases and infections as accessible, convenient, and stigma-free as possible. The test costs $99.95 and comes with free shipping. For those who test positive, telehealth services are available for just $50. With Know, there are no in-person doctor’s appointments, awkward conversations, mail-in samples, or long waits for answers.

Why STD testing matters more than ever

Know views its rapid STD test as its single largest opportunity to positively impact American health because the data around STDs is concerning:

  • The CDC estimates that 1 in 5 people in the U.S. have an STD, and cases are growing.
  • The rates of STI testing have not kept up with the growing number of STD cases. 
  • According to the CDC, in 2022, more than 2.5 million cases of syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia were reported in the US.
  • There are serious health risks associated with untreated STDs, such as infertility in women suffering from untreated chlamydia and gonorrhea, and chronic pelvic pain from sexual infections that have developed into Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID).

The best way to detect STDs before they become major issues is with regular testing. Regularity of testing is key as people with common STDs like chlamydia and gonorrhea could be asymptomatic for months, unknowingly spreading the infection to their sexual partners. For example, 50% of men & 70% of women infected with Chlamydia don’t show symptoms upon infection (NHS). 

Know was developed with expertise and empathy

The Know test was created because there was a need for regular, no-hassle STD testing. Before Know, STD testing options were limited to visiting a doctor’s office or clinic or at-home sample collection kits. The former usually requires patients to make and wait for an appointment, possibly subjecting them to probing questions about one’s sexual history or lectures about responsible sexual practices. The latter is a messy waiting game requiring patients to pack up and mail their sample to a lab, creating an anxious 2-5 day waiting pattern.

Know worked with top doctors and leaders in testing technology to address these pain points and make it easy to regularly screen for STDs. The team behind Know’s rapid STD test were dedicated to developing a test that would be both user-friendly and affordable without sacrificing high quality clinical care. To further the accessibility of sexual healthcare, Know users who test positive can connect with a licensed doctor in the Know network to quickly secure treatment — no insurance required.

What’s next for Know?

Know is committed to expanding access to STD testing and treatment options. Its research and development team is currently exploring other offerings that would allow users to test for more STDs in the comfort of their home, including viral STDs like HIV and Hepatitis.

Know is dedicated to improving access to essential services like STD testing and empowering individuals to take control of their sexual health. With Know, STD testing and treatment is simpler, faster, and more convenient for everyone.

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